My Story
I started this website to reach beyond what my capabilities are limited to by working with clients 1-on-1.
I love changing the lives of others in ways they couldn’t have imagined.
All the years of working with numerous clients have taught me something, I have a unique gift to offer. It helped me realize I perceive the world, and our lives, differently than most people.
Creating is a way for me to fulfill my life purpose and touch as many lives as I possibly can, and open the opportunity to change lives on a much larger scale.
I am truly excited to have the opportunity to live in a time where I can do this. I am very grateful for this opportunity.
I am an introvert, I was extremely shy as I was growing up. I have come out of my shell over the years, however, I am still an introvert at the core.
I have battled with being a perfectionist, and a fear of expressing my emotions, for most of my life. I have learned to overcome certain limiting beliefs that were holding me back, and ultimately lead me to these unwanted characteristics of myself. I am on a mission to seek my human potential and live an extraordinary life.
When My Life Transformed…
This is the start of a journey that would inevitably turn my life upside down. All of my personal beliefs, limiting beliefs, fears, and truths, would all be called into question. My entire identity myself, and the world around me was no longer valid. At the time, I thought this was a terrible thing, what was the purpose of life if I didn’t have anything to believe in?
In January of 2010, I ended up hitting the lowest point in my entire life. My wife had some health concerns, which lead me to a path of facing the very real possibility that I could lose the love of my life. I lost the identity of myself, all my beliefs and truths. I took a week off work, and literally laid in bed the entire time. This was a turning point for me, as I was either going to crash and burn, or I was going to rise up. I chose to rise!
I made a conscious decision to use my learning experience as a source of inspiration and empowerment, whereas many would have experienced it as a failure. Unfortunately, many people in similar circumstances bask in self-pity and despair, manifesting their own losses. I truly feel for these people, as not many people in this world can relate to them, I know from experience. One fascinating aspect of being human is that we have the power to change our own state, at will. Since I made this decision, I have been on an infinite mission.
2010, was the year my never-ending desire to learn began. I grew a strong passion for nutrition. Over the next 6 years, my sole purpose was to immerse myself into learning everything I could about nutrition.
Countless books and videos flooded my brain. I learned everything from corruption, to politics, to curing disease, preventing disease, understanding research, and so much more. I will never forget these years, I was alive, with a purpose, a mission, and had so much fun.
As I reflected and became more aware of this epiphany, I paid more attention to how else I could help my clients and my wife. I started realizing how stressed they were, and how their mindset and perspectives manifested their own stressful state.
In late 2016, I had a massive paradigm shift. This is when I discovered Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), and meditation.
I then later stumbled upon an understanding called The Three Principles. going deep with them has had the most impact on my personal transformation and is at the core of my coaching and writing.
The Other Love Of My Life
This is our amazing dog Nacho. He was born on June 8, 2010. He is a mix of Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso, Yorki, and a little bit of Jack Russel.
I have learned so much from him. The most important thing he has taught me is unconditional love, and what it means to love unconditionally.
It doesn’t matter if I am mad at him, I didn’t take him to the park that day, I didn’t pay much attention to him, he has always loved me the same, no exceptions.
The one part of my day I always look forward to, regardless of circumstance, is taking him to his “park park”. It is a great time for us to bond, and for me to steer away from any of life’s stresses, and practice mindfulness.
Being at the park with him reminds me that we’re all one with each other, and with nature.
There is no better feeling, and for the times I lose touch with myself, it breathes life back into me instantly.
My Mentors
Michael Neill – Michael is without a doubt my #1 mentor for my own personal development and also my coaching development. I first discovered Michael from reading his book Supercoach. His 2 best-sellers are The Inside Out Revolution and The Space Within. I have since read all of his books, listened to his entire podcast, and watch numerous hours of video. He bases his teachings on another mentor of mine, Sydney Banks, who has since passed away. You can read more about Sydney, and his gift to the world, below if you want to know more about what he taught that Michael has expanded upon.
Sydney Banks – I first heard about Sydney Banks through an understanding called the Three Principles that I first heard about through Michael Neill’s book Supercoach. I discovered Sydney after researching further into the Three Principles. Sydney was a small town welder that had no spiritual practice. On vacation one day a miracle happened, he had a spontaneous enlightenment experience that changed his life forever. This is what led him to The Three Principles understanding of the human experience. He has written several books on this understanding, unfortunately, there aren’t many video clips as creating the video wasn’t as popular 10-20 years ago as it is now.
Anthony Robbins – Tony is at the forefront of personal development. I am a huge fan of his, I have watched several hours of video from his seminars, and read all of his books. Much of what he teaches is based on NLP, with his own spin on it. If you actually take the time to apply what he teaches, it will change your life forever, I speak from experience.
Alan Aragon – Alan is known for his infamous research review called “Nutrient timing revisited: is there a post-exercise anabolic window?“. I am subscribed to his monthly research review, in which he gives his professional feedback on a number of nutritional related studies each month. He breaks each study down to the core, unravelling every aspect of the study. He is a great resource for discovering perspectives you may have never even considered.
Other Recognition
There are numerous other authority figures I think very highly of and have learned a great deal from. I have watched countless hours of videos and read many books, learning from them. Although they are not a mentor, they deserve much recognition for the role they played in my development, for without them I wouldn’t know all I know today.
Before You Go
If there are any questions, comments or feedback you have for me – feel free to reach out and leave a comment here on the blog. I strongly encourage you to speak your mind, there will be no judgement allowed on my blog, therefore, you will not be judged. I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to you reading my blog!
learn from all of your experiences, opportunities are everywhere, Take Care,
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